Food Not Bombs in 2013

Things have been a bit hectic with the national Food Not Bombers, including multiple tours, a massive disaster relief effort, and a Free Skool to prepare, so we haven’t been too big on updates. I promise a few more posts in the coming weeks that talk about some of our experiences in 2012, but what’s next in our post-Occupy, 4-more-years, one-paycheck-away-from-homelessness 2013 America?

First off, keep an eye out for long overdue overhauls of the main Food Not Bombs website. While the name Food Not Bombs appears on web pages and social media all over the place, is looking a little rusty – but you’ll notice a new navigation menu online now and there will be a lot more changes making it easier to use and also easier to find the decades of archived information on the site. Just remember, is run and financed by entirely by FNB volunteers and can use your support!

Second is that 2013 is the first official year for the Food Not Bombs Free Skool! Many of us full-time FNB agents have spent at least some of our time in 2012 preparing the Free Skool site in Taos, NM for those local and traveling that want to learn how to be better at Food Not Bombs as well as take classes in direct action, puppeteering, and much more! Contact us soon if you want to come learn with us!

Third is more tours! Keith will be going as full-tilt as always with his speaking gigs, and after its first year touring through Texas, Missouri, Georgia, Florida, and Ireland, The Autonomous Playhouse will be back with better than ever puppet shows and presentations! You can contact the Playhouse on Facebook but we’ll have our own page on as soon as we get item #1 along.

Last of all is all the things we cannot expect – just as we couldn’t predict Food Not Bombs’ place in the Occupy movement, or resisting the RNC in Tampa, or feeding the thousands of stranded and abandoned in the wake of Superstorm Sandy…when the failures of the state are laid bare, we’ll be there to show the world that there is a better way…hope to see you there!